BTNS API - Transaction BTNS API
Method Endpoint Returns
GET /api/tx/{transaction} Returns transaction information
Return Values

The returned values will vary based on the transaction type.

Value Type Description
addresses Array Array containing any ADDRESS actions for this transaction
airdrops Array Array containing any AIRDROP actions for this transaction
block_index Integer Block number containing the transaction
destroys Array Array containing any DESTROY actions for this transaction
fee Mixed Any FEE information related to this transaction (false if no fee)
method String Method which was used to pay fee
tick String Token that user paid fee in
amount String Amount of tick paid as fee
destination String Address where any fee was paid
issues Array Array containing any ISSUE actions for this transaction
lists Array Array containing any LIST actions for this transaction
mints Array Array containing any MINT actions for this transaction
sends Array Array containing any SEND actions for this transaction
source String Source address
timestamp Integer A UNIX timestamp of when the transaction was processed by the network
tx_hash String Transaction Hash
tx_index Integer Transaction Index
tx_type String The transaction ACTION (ISSUE, MINT, SEND, etc.)
Example Response - ADDRESS
  "addresses": [
      "fee_preference": "2",
      "require_memo": "1",
      "status": "valid"
  "block_index": 2580955,
  "fee": false,
  "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
  "timestamp": 1709882851,
  "tx_hash": "33661e28f030d7670c247ab3ee124eb143ee6f59e38c92d7d01746ae9e84b5ed",
  "tx_index": 493,
  "tx_type": "ADDRESS"
Example Response - AIRDROP
  "airdrops": [
      "amount": "1",
      "list": "fbe2a4946dfefb232571d56ed1c84dd85299736ba356dc300296d65d59991362",
      "memo": "test",
      "recipients": [
      "status": "valid",
      "tick": "AIRDROPTEST1",
      "total": {
        "amount": "4",
        "recipients": 4
  "block_index": 2581842,
  "fee": {
    "amount": "0.00012000",
    "destination": null,
    "method": "Destroy",
    "tick": "GAS"
  "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
  "timestamp": 1710379130,
  "tx_hash": "0caacd35592baf3f9e2ef879fc48b65f42625e233f45df11821ae85fcc14b07b",
  "tx_index": 524,
  "tx_type": "AIRDROP"
Example Response - BATCH
  "block_index": 2581531,
  "fee": false,
  "issues": [
      "allow_list": null,
      "block_list": null,
      "callback_amount": "",
      "callback_block": "",
      "callback_tick": null,
      "decimals": "",
      "description": "",
      "lock_callback": "",
      "lock_description": "",
      "lock_max_mint": "",
      "lock_max_supply": "",
      "lock_mint": "",
      "lock_mint_supply": "",
      "lock_rug": "",
      "lock_sleep": "",
      "max_mint": "",
      "max_supply": "",
      "mint_address_max": "",
      "mint_start_block": "",
      "mint_stop_block": "",
      "mint_supply": "",
      "status": "invalid: issued by another address",
      "tick": "JDOG",
      "transfer": null,
      "transfer_supply": null
  "mints": [
      "amount": "60",
      "destination": null,
      "status": "valid",
      "tick": "GAS"
  "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
  "status": "valid",
  "timestamp": 1710196860,
  "tx_hash": "f6dec97612a40bf275cfc6c0fc309fbee5b4cc328d6fa8d4c7c0782bc8332d1a",
  "tx_index": 515,
  "tx_type": "BATCH"
Example Response - DESTROY
  "block_index": 2575916,
  "destroys": [
      "amount": "1",
      "memo": "memo",
      "status": "valid",
      "tick": "TESTDESTROY"
  "fee": false,
  "source": "mvThcDEbeqog2aJ7JNj1FefUPaNdYYGqHt",
  "timestamp": 1706384422,
  "tx_hash": "a2f477071853e3adc37cc4b52f296b6a23a2bfaf04550b37e83f231e88948810",
  "tx_index": 444,
  "type": "DESTROY"
Example Response - ISSUE
  "block_index": 2473585,
  "fee": false,
  "issues": [
      "allow_list": null,
      "block_list": null,
      "callback_amount": "",
      "callback_block": "",
      "callback_tick": null,
      "decimals": "0",
      "description": "",
      "lock_callback": "",
      "lock_description": "",
      "lock_max_mint": "",
      "lock_max_supply": "",
      "lock_mint": "",
      "lock_mint_supply": "",
      "lock_rug": "",
      "lock_sleep": "",
      "max_mint": "1",
      "max_supply": "1",
      "mint_address_max": "",
      "mint_start_block": "",
      "mint_stop_block": "",
      "mint_supply": "1",
      "status": "valid",
      "tick": "JDOG",
      "transfer": null,
      "transfer_supply": null
  "source": "mvThcDEbeqog2aJ7JNj1FefUPaNdYYGqHt",
  "timestamp": 1692316715,
  "tx_hash": "a2b5e6a8e6714055fad3316e9660a627afee8b830345188b00b7574e429dfd0f",
  "tx_index": 1,
  "tx_type": "ISSUE"
Example Response - LIST
  "block_index": 2581795,
  "fee": false,
  "lists": [
      "edit": 0,
      "edits": {
        "tb1q67lsygzt4udupksq5y57j2wfmgy0fjusm40l83": "valid",
        "tb1q7gyk2ccu2yt82fqsnllne5t2zlttvangu2sz7q": "valid",
        "tb1qedrgx00d68cpc3h8zrwdtvms88yk6nmvgkw7nf": "valid",
        "tb1qkx8txlxzds30m322sxtsn7ylesjqeh45rttne8": "valid"
      "items": [
      "list_tx_hash": null,
      "status": "valid",
      "type": 3
  "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
  "timestamp": 1710350294,
  "tx_hash": "fbe2a4946dfefb232571d56ed1c84dd85299736ba356dc300296d65d59991362",
  "tx_index": 519,
  "tx_type": "LIST"
Example Response - MINT
  "block_index": 2578723,
  "fee": false,
  "mints": [
      "amount": "60",
      "destination": null,
      "status": "valid",
      "tick": "GAS"
  "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
  "timestamp": 1708369940,
  "tx_hash": "59af0fe96fd2daa947e15dba4484e20c5f66739f19aad30e363ca0301b8760f7",
  "tx_index": 485,
  "tx_type": "MINT"
Example Response - SEND
  "block_index": 2575303,
  "fee": false,
  "sends": [
      "amount": "293",
      "destination": "tb1q5ddppr32dseurxq75fxwwg68dmavzk08rr6dh0",
      "memo": "",
      "status": "valid",
      "tick": "XC"
  "source": "mrvNijhs4qqrqrqVudEXEdZnmtiKAuCHMv",
  "timestamp": 1705936244,
  "tx_hash": "c185886cc56e49e9047debee028d46a35082d70706ed434f7a95d811a9d01d1d",
  "tx_index": 438,
  "tx_type": "SEND"